Tuesday, December 19, 2017

101: Park Ticket Discount Tools

Disney gift card practices, food & drink news, and some tools to utilize in the hunt for discounted Walt Disney World park tickets.
Refillable mug price increase: https://goo.gl/aKyUBL
DISboards thread about BoG ADRs: https://goo.gl/cFCC6Y
Touring Plans Forum Thread with JJT's ticket spreadsheet link: https://goo.gl/SQNpXR
Direct link to JJT's ticket spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/SQNpXR
Swan & Dolphin conference park ticket page (purchase link at bottom): https://www.swandolphinmeetings.com/benefits/tickets.html
asthejoeflies travel blog: https://goo.gl/wF1QrM

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Check out this episode!


  1. Hey guys, thanks for including my spreadsheet in your episode - and for the kind words about it!

    Have thought about figuring out a place in it for people to select the minimum number of park days they require so they don't get gypped* when they go to make FastPasses for their vacation. Maybe I'll dedicate some brain cycles to it as I lounge on the sofa drinking left over warm eggnog and hoovering butter cookie crumbs through a straw during post-Christmas vacation days.

    *I've never typed that word before looks weird.

    1. Hey, Just realized I never followed up here on the comments: I did implement that "Minimum Park Days" thingy on the spreadsheet so that it doesn't tell you to buy a 3 day ticket if you have a trip where you need to make more days of FastPasses.

      I also prettied up the interface to make it a little clearer for the peoples using it. (I hope.)

  2. Awesome podcast! I am currently binge listening and have a question about gaming the ddp. I had never thought to create a phantom child but am trying to figure out a way to purchase just one adult dxddp for 2 adults to share since it is so much food but more in line with how we eat. Anyway,if i leave one adult off the room reservation won't the front desk cm's be able to see that I have fast passes and adr's set up for 2 adults? It seems I end up at the front desk several times for various reasons and am just wondering what they see. Maybe I just don't have the nerves for this!

  3. Thanks for listening! The front desk won't care even if they see it. There are many potential reasons someone would have the things on their account you describe. CM's aren't there to give people grief if they don't have to.

  4. Thanks again. I guess we'll all have to wait until Jan 1st when the new ddp with alcohol are introduced. It seems to me that would be the time to close some of these loop holes if Disney wants to.

    1. You are welcome. The only loop hole here is that child and adult credits are pooled. We will keep an eye on that. Please leave us a review on iTunes if you haven't already!

  5. Great podcast!!!! My husband and I are trying to find tickets to just enter Epcot in the evening, while my parents babysit! I can't seem where to actually purchase the tickets through Swan and Dolphin though. The link just takes me to an info page. Please help!!!! Thanks in advance!!!!

  6. I can't figure out how to purchase tickets from the link to the Swan and Dolphin, I only see information listed. Please help!
